The script potential of I.S.S. estimated from its PLOT structure is 5-7MM

I.S.S.’s poster copyright belongs to Bleecker Street

The PLOT structure of I.S.S. will appeal to 0.15 – 0.19% of the population

Any story is the quest to fulfil a human desire. We have identified universal quests for every human desire. These universal quests reveal the invisible plot structure of stories. An analysis of Blockbuster, Hit & Flop plot structures led to the discovery of Mythosis Code. The Code reveals the principles for creating Blockbuster Plot Structures. Using the Code, we craft the ideal Plot Structure unique to a story. The ideal Plot Structure estimates a script’s potency and unlocks its Blockbuster potential. Here is the evaluation of I.S.S. Plot structure with its Ideal Plot Structure.
I.S.S. script interweaves the quests of Duryodhan & Siavash
The ideal plot structure of I.S.S. incorporates the missing events from the 3 Universal quests of Social contact, Vengeance & Preservation. This deepens the quest of Alexy & Nicholai and creates a powerful quest for Kira. The additional events facilitate the interweaving of quests to construct a tightly-knit plot structure. The estimated revenue of the ideal plot structure is ~$500MM in the domestic market.

86% of events in the Plot structure are borrowed from 2 mythological tales

At Mythosis, we have identified 32 mythological tales. Each mythological tale uniquely represents a human quest to fulfil a desire. These tales are the superset of thousands of tales across cultures. They represent every possible human quest.
Every tale has 5 major arcs culminating in a major event. Mapping a character's quest to the relevant tale reveals the gaps in their quest. The ideal Plot Structure plugs these gaps by incorporating the missing events.

Quest 1: Nicholai mirrors 13% of Duryodhan’s quest for Vengeance (below threshold of 35%)

Nicholai’s desire for Vengeance stems from the need to confront offenders. The tale of Duryodhan from Hindu mythology is the universal quest for Vengeance.
In I.S.S., Alexy borrows from the Hindu mythological tale of Valmiki

Quest 2: Alexy mirrors 16% of Siavash's quest for Social contact (below threshold of 35%)

Alexy’s desire for Social contact stems from the need for companionship. The tale of Siavash from Persian mythology is the universal quest for Social contact.
Alexy mirrors the quest of Siavash from Persian mythology in I.S.S.

Quest 3: Kira mirrors a few events from Noah’s quest for Preservation. Her desire stems from the need to survive a threat.

Explore Noah's quest in the historical back-tests of Black Panther & Wall.E