Captain America Brave New World
Half baked quests in a full blown crisis
ESTIMATED domestic box office revenue
$105 – 146MM
Mythosis universal quests used
Audience appeal
2.56% – 3.13%
Hidden potential
$483 – 584MM
Directed by Julius Onah, Brave New World is the fourth installment in the Captain America film series. The story is about a President’s act of betrayal, a doctor’s elaborate plan of revenge and Captain America’s efforts to manage the consequences of their clash.

1. The invisible plot structure of Captain America Brave New World
1A. The script of Captain America Brave New World borrows 89% of its events from 5 mythological tales
Sam’s quest is driven by the desire for social stability. The quest borrows events from the tale of Ram from Hindu mythology. Both Ram & Sam decimate “demons” who threaten the social order to recover their loved ones.
Sam has another minor quest of expedition wherein he borrows events from the tale of Jason in Greek mythology.
Ross’ quest is driven by selfishness. The quest borrows events from the tale of Valmiki in Hindu mythology. Both Valmiki & Ross are self-centred but eventually have a change of heart and sacrifice their interest.
Sterns’ quest is driven by the desire to punish offenders. However, the quest borrows events from the tale of Circe in Greek mythology. Both Circe and Sterns desire is to dominate others by controlling them.
Torres has an underdeveloped quest of honour and borrows a few events from the tale of Hanuman in Hindu mythology.
Ruth & Sidewinder don’t have any quests.
NOTE: Detailed mirroring of each character’s primary quest to their respective mythological tales is in section “3A. Quests of characters and their mythological counterparts”
Mythosis plot structure
# 126,869
Tales interweaved
Valmiki, Circe, Ram & Hanuman
I. How does interweaving mythological tales lead to infinite story plots?
II. Can the pursuit of a Desire have more than one quest?
2. Potential of Captain America Brave New World's plot structure: $105-146MM
The interweaving of 32 mythological tales can generate a billion unique stories. By using these 32 tales, we can extract the plot structure of any story across various genres. Our study of blockbuster, hit, and flop plot structures led to the discovery of the Mythosis Code, a set of principles for creating compelling stories. The plot structure of a story is analyzed to see how well it adheres to these storytelling principles.
2A. Plot structure evaluation of Captain America Brave New World
- All Blockbusters have at least 3 universal quests. Captain America Brave New World uses 3 universal quests of Accumulation, Power & Order. The quests of Honour & Expedition are sparingly used.
- In Blockbusters, each universal quest is mirrored by ONLY ONE character. Ross mirrors the universal quest of Accumulation. Sam mirrors the quest of Order & Expedition. Sterns mirrors Power.
- Every Blockbuster character borrows at least 35% of the universal quest. Ross borrows 18% events from the quest of Accumulation, Sterns borrows 20% events from the quest of Power & Sam borrows 21% events from the quest of Order & 6% from Expedition. Torres borrows 8% from Honour.
- Blockbusters have a quest interweaving threshold of 0.5. Interweaving occurs when events of 2 quests occur simultaneously in the story. Captain America Brave New World’s quest interweaving score of 0.50 is at par.
An example of interweaving the quests of Ross & Sterns:

2B. Box office revenue estimation of Captain America Brave New World
The script of Captain America Brave New World has three shallow quests. Not borrowing enough events from each quest and an inconsistent quest creates gaps in the plot structure.
The Script Score measures a plot structure’s adherence to the four principles of Mythosis Code. We use the Script Score to estimate a movie’s audience appeal & revenues. Blockbuster plot structures have a score of at least 0.64 and appeal to 20% of the audiences.
Script Score
Audience appeal
2.56% – 3.13%
I. How is Mythosis Code used to estimate revenues?
II. Aren’t box-office revenues influenced by several factors beyond just the story plot?
3. The ideal plot structure of Captain America Brave New World
We have identified 32 mythological tales, the superset of all tales across cultures. The quests of these tales have also recurred over time periods. They represent human behaviours that are deeply embedded in our shared memories. Each tale is the richest expression of the pursuit of a human desire. The tales have a unique pattern of events spread over 5 major arcs.
Mapping a character’s quest to the relevant mythological tale reveals the gaps in their quest, if any. Plugging these gaps with the missing events deepens the character quest. The missing events also provide an opportunity for interweaving the various quests. These events strengthen the story and unlock its hidden potential.
3A.Quest of characters and their mythological counterparts
Quest 1: Ross mirrors the universal quest for Accumulation
Ross’ desire for Accumulation stems from the need to collect and own. The tale of Valmiki from Hindu mythology has a robust expression in Dicken’s character of Scrooge which is the universal quest for Accumulation.

Quest 2: Sterns mirrors the universal quest for Power
Sterns’ desire for Power stems from the need to dominate others. The tale of Circe from Greek mythology is the universal quest for Power.

Quest 3: Sam mirrors the universal quest for Order
Ram’s desire for Order stems from the need to maintain social stability. The tale of Circe from Hindu mythology is the universal quest for Order.

3B.Gaps in the current plot structure
In Captain America Brave New World’s plot structure each quest is under developed that makes the script disjointed. The issue is further compounded by the inconsistent quest of Sam.
3C.Unlocking the hidden potential
The script of Captain America Brave New World is a subset of Mythosis Plot structure # 126,869. It interweaves the tales of Valmiki, Circe, Ram & Hanuman. The quest of Jason isn’t required.
This plot structure deepens the quests of Ross, Sterns, Sam & Torres. Thereby, enabling the creation of a cohesive story that can generate domestic revenues of $483 – 584MM!
Explore Mythosis Plot structure #126,869 to enhance current revenues by 4X!
Tags: Ram, Order, Circe, Power, Valmiki, Accumulation, Julius Onah, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, 2025