The script potential of Interstellar estimated from its PLOT structure is 151 – 177MM (actual 188MM)

Interstellar’s poster copyright belongs to Warner Bros. Pictures & Paramount Pictures

The genetic code shared by all Blockbuster plots

Any story is the quest to fulfil a human desire. We have identified universal quests for every human desire. These universal quests reveal the unique plot structure of a story. The plot structure analysis of Blockbuster, Hit & Flop led to the discovery of common principles across all stories. Mythosis Code is a set of principles for creating Blockbuster Plot structures.

• All Blockbusters have at least 3 universal quests
• In Blockbusters, each universal quest is mirrored by ONLY ONE character
• Every Blockbuster character borrows at least 35% of events from their quest
• Blockbusters interweave the quests to create a tight plot structure

81% of events in Interstellar’s plot are borrowed from 3 universal quests

Every story has a unique plot structure which becomes visible when seen through the lens of Universal human quests. We extract a story’s plot structure & use The Mythosis Code to estimate the story’s strength. Here is the evaluation of Interstellar’s plot structure:
In Interstellar, Cooper borrows from the Greek mythological tale of Odysseus
The potency of the existing plot structure is 0.20 whereas Blockbusters has a score of at least 0.64. Based on the script’s plot potency score, Interstellar will appeal to 5.81 – 6.79% of the population. We estimate the movie’s revenues from its audience appeal to be $151 – 177MM in the domestic market.

3 mythological tales were used to extract the plot structure of Interstellar

At Mythosis, we have identified 32 mythological tales. Each mythological tale uniquely represents a human quest to fulfil a desire. These tales are the superset of thousands of tales across cultures. The 32 tales represent every possible human quest.
Every tale has 5 major arcs culminating in a mega event. Mapping a character’s quest to the relevant tale reveals the gaps in their quest. The ideal Plot Structure can be constructed by plugging these gaps with the missing events. These events strengthen the character journeys and weaving of quests without altering the story. Here is the deconstruction of Interstellar’s plot structure:

Quest 1: Cooper mirrors the universal quest for Tranquillity

Cooper’s desire for Tranquillity stems from the need to be in secure surroundings. The tale of Odysseus from Greek mythology is the universal quest for Tranquillity.

Quest 2: Murphy mirrors the universal quest for Acceptance

Murphy’s desire for Acceptance stems from the need for approval by others. The tale of Karn from Hindu mythology is the universal quest for Acceptance.
In Interstellar, Amelie borrows from the Abrahamic mythological tale of Noah

Quest 3: Amelie mirrors the universal quest for Preservation

Amelie’s desire for Preservation stems from the need to survive a threat. The tale of Noah from Abrahamic mythology is the universal quest for Preservation.