The script potential of Argylle estimated from its PLOT structure is $40 – 59MM
The script of Argylle borrows from the universal quests of Honour & Preservation
The PLOT structure will appeal to 1.12 – 1.38% of the population
IDEAL Plot Structure would have generated ~$560MM in the domestic market
88% of the script is borrowed from 2 universal quests
Any story is the quest to fulfil a human desire. We have identified universal quests for every human desire. These universal quests reveal the invisible plot structure of stories. An analysis of Blockbuster, Hit & Flop plot structures led to the discovery of Mythosis Code. The Code reveals the principles for creating Blockbuster Plot Structures. Using the Code, we craft the ideal Plot Structure unique to a story. The ideal Plot Structure estimates a script’s potency and unlocks its Blockbuster potential.
The Mythosis Code measurement of the existing plot structure has a script score of 0.04. Based on the script score the movie will appeal to 1.12 – 1.35% of the population. We estimate the movie’s revenues from its audience appeal to be $40 – 59MM in the domestic market. Here is the evaluation of Argylle’s PLOT structure:
All Blockbusters have at least 3 universal quests whereas Argylle borrows from only 2 quests of Honour & Preservation. It attempts to borrow, though erroneously from the quest of Tranquillity leading to inconsistencies in the plot structure.
In Blockbusters, each universal quest is mirrored by ONLY ONE character. Elly mirrors the quest of Honour whereas Ritter mirrors the quest of Preservation. Aiden’s quest of Tranquillity is inadequate due to erroneous usage.
Every Blockbuster character borrows at least 35% of the universal quest. Elly borrows 30% of the quest of Honour. Ritter borrows 32% of the quest of Preservation. The depth of both the quests is below threshold.
Blockbusters interweave different quests to create a tight plot structure. Interweaving occurs when events of 2 quests occur simultaneously in the story. Blockbusters have a quest interweaving threshold of 0.5. Argylle’s quest interweaving score of 0.33 is below par. Here is an example of interweaving the quests of Elly & Ritter:
Using 3 mythological to craft the Ideal Plot Structure of Argylle
At Mythosis, we have identified 32 mythological tales. Each mythological tale uniquely represents a human quest to fulfil a desire. These tales are the superset of thousands of tales across cultures. They represent every possible human quest.
Every tale has 5 major arcs culminating in a mega event. Mapping a character's quest to the relevant tale reveals the gaps in their quest. The ideal Plot Structure plugs these gaps by incorporating the missing events without altering the story.
The ideal plot structure of Argylle develops Aiden’s arc by borrowing from the universal quest of Tranquillity. Thereby solving issues of plot inconsistency. It also incorporates the missing events from the quests of Honour & Preservation to enhance the character depth of Elly & Ritter. The ideal Plot Structure of Argylle has a script score of 0.55. The estimated revenue of Argylle's Mythosis plot is ~$560MM in the domestic market.
Quest 1: Elly’s mirroring of the Universal quest for Honour
Elly’s desire for Honour stems from the need to be loyal to a clan/order. The tale of Hanuman from Hindu mythology is the universal quest for Honour.
Quest 2: Ritter’s mirroring of the Universal quest for Preservation
Ritter’s desire for Preservation stems from the need to survive a threat. The tale of Kans from Hindu mythology is the universal quest for Preservation.
Quest 3: Aiden’s mirroring of the Universal quest for Tranquillity
Aiden’s desire for Tranquillity stems from the need to be in secure surroundings. The tale of Odysseus from Greek mythology is the universal quest for Tranquillity.
Tags:2024, Apple Original Films, Box office, Character development, Hanuman, Honour, Jason Fuchs, Kans, Marv Studios, Matthew Vaughn, Movie Review, Mythology, Plot Structure, Preservation, Universal Pictures