
The Map Of Tiny Perfect Things poster copyright belongs to Amazon Studios

The Map of Tiny Perfect Things

EST V ACT domestic box office revenue

$05 – 06MM V NA

Mythosis universal quests used


Audience appeal


Script Score


The Map of Tiny Perfect Things is a 2021 movie directed by Ian Samuels and based on Lev Grossman’s short story. The story is about two teenagers who find themselves stuck in a time loop

The Map Of Tiny Perfect Things poster copyright belongs to Amazon Studios

1. The invisible plot structure of The Map of Tiny Perfect Things

1A. The script borrows 94% of its events from 2 mythological tales

Mark’s quest is driven by selfishness. The quest borrows events from the tale of Valmiki in Hindu mythology. Both Valmiki & Mark are self-centred but eventually have a change of heart.

Mark’s quest is also driven by the desire for companionship. The quest borrows events from the tale of Psyche in Greek mythology. Both Psyche and Mark are deserted by their loved one due to trust issues.

Margaret doesn’t have a well developed quest.

NOTE: Detailed mirroring of each character’s primary quest to their respective mythological tales is in section “3A. Quests of characters and their mythological counterparts”

Mythosis plot structure

# 149

Tales interweaved

Valmiki & Psyche

I. How does interweaving mythological tales lead to infinite story plots?
II. Can the pursuit of a Desire have more than one quest?

2. The potential of The Map of Tiny Perfect Things' plot structure: $05-06MM

The interweaving of 32 mythological tales can generate a billion unique stories. By using these 32 tales, we can extract the plot structure of any story across various genres. Our study of blockbuster, hit, and flop plot structures led to the discovery of the Mythosis Code, a set of principles for creating compelling stories. The plot structure of a story is analyzed to see how well it adheres to these storytelling principles.

2A. Plot structure evaluation of The Map of Tiny Perfect Things

2B. Box office revenue estimation of The Map of Tiny Perfect Things

The Map Of Tiny Perfect Things’ has a weak plot structure since only one character has a quest. Moreover, the character’s journey is muddled by borrowing from 2 universal quests.

The Script Score measures a plot structure’s  adherence to the four principles of Mythosis Code. We use the Script Score to estimate a movie’s audience appeal & revenues. Blockbuster plot structures have a score of at least 0.64 and appeal to 20% of the audiences.

Script Score


Audience appeal


I. How is Mythosis Code used to estimate revenues?
II. Aren’t box-office revenues influenced by several factors beyond just the story plot?

Tags: Psyche, Valmiki, Social Contact, Ian Samuels, FilmNation Entertainment, Amazon Studios, 2021

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