The script potential of Kung Fu Panda 4 estimated from its PLOT structure is 130 – 177MM (actual 192MM)

Kung Fu Panda 4’s poster copyright belongs to Universal Pictures
Kung Fu Panda 4 is an animated martial arts film from DreamWorks Animation. The story is about the dragon warrior teaming up with a bandit fox to take on the challenge of an evil sorceress. The plot structure of Kung Fu Panda 4 interweaves the quest of Prometheus with the conflict of Circe and Odysseus.

Evaluation of Kung Fu Panda 4’s Plot Structure

Mythological tales are stories that reflect our collective subconscious desires. Each tale represents a quest to fulfil a fundamental human need. By studying these tales, we can identify the various quests that make up a story, and the interplay between them creates the plot structure. The plot structures of blockbuster, hit, and flop movies over the years has revealed a code for crafting engaging stories. By applying this code to a movie's plot structure, any gaps in the script can be identified.

Kung Fu Panda 4's Plot Structure has been extracted using 3 universal quests which account for 85% of events in the script.

Adherence to the Mythosis Code

Estimation of Kung Fu Panda 4’s audience appeal

The Mythosis Code reveals multiple facets of a story’s plot structure. For example, the relevance of a story is measured by the number and depth of quests used. Character consistency is measured by the number of quests they mirror. The depth of mirroring reflects character complexity. Story cohesiveness by the extent of the quests interweaving with each other. We measure the facets of the plot structure to ascertain the script’s audience appeal and potential revenue.

KUNG FU PANDA 4 has an innovative plot structure that interweaves the universal quests of tranquillity, power and idealism. However, it suffers from shallow character arcs since the depth of each quest is below the threshold.
The potency of the existing plot structure is 0.12 whereas Blockbusters has a score of at least 0.64. Based on the plot structure score, KUNG FU PANDA 4 will appeal to 3.41 – 4.73% of the population. Our estimate of the movie’s revenues from its audience appeal is 130-177MM in the domestic market.

Unlocking the potential of KUNG FU PANDA 4’s plot structure

Every mythological tale has 5 major arcs culminating in a mega event. Mapping a character’s quest to the relevant tale reveals the gaps in their quest. The ideal Plot Structure can be constructed by plugging these gaps with the missing events. These events strengthen each character’s journey and weaving of quests without altering the story.

Deconstruction of Kung Fu Panda 4’s plot structure using mythological tales:

Quest 1: Po mirrors the universal quest for Tranquillity

Po’s desire for Tranquillity stems from the need to be in secure surroundings. The tale of Odysseus from Greek mythology is the universal quest for Tranquillity.
In Kung Fu Panda 4, Zhen borrows from the Greek mythological tale of Prometheus

Quest 2: Zhen mirrors the universal quest for Idealism

Zhen’s desire for Idealism stems from the need for fairness & justice. The tale of Prometheus from Greek mythology is the universal quest for Idealism.
In Kung Fu Panda 4, The Chameleon borrows from the Greek mythological tale of Circe

Quest 3: The Chameleon mirrors the universal quest for Power

The Chameleon’s desire for Power stems from the need to dominate others. The tale of Circe from Greek mythology is the universal quest for Power.

Ideal Plot structure reconstruction

The ideal plot structure enhances the existing quests within the scope of the story. For Kung Fu Panda 4 it introduces the "Hermes ploy" wherein Hermes forewarns Odysseus and guides him to defeat Circe. The additional events from the "Hermes ploy" rectifies the character arc of Po as well as deepens Zhen's quest in the 4th arc.
The potency of the ideal plot structure is 0.27 which will appeal to 7.78 – 9.5% of the population. Our estimate of the movie’s revenues from its audience appeal is ~ 300MM in the domestic market.